Sunday, May 31, 2009

25th May 2009

We woke at 6.30am to a crisp clear New York morning. We were keen to get going and thought a morning walk would be a good way to get our bearings. Down the Hudson, a left cut in around 80th all the way over to Central Park then down into Times Square to hunt for some breakfast.


86th street - we stayed just on the left.

Everything seemed right... Squirrels, yellow cabs, smoking ground thingos and lots of neon signs (even at 8am)… But something wasn’t quite right. It seemed eerily quiet, no joggers in the park, no morning traffic and hardly anyone on the streets. Neither of us admitted it to each other right then but this whole ‘New York’ thing wasn’t quite as we had imagined in our little Sesame Street minds…


No cars?!

We dodged all the scary looking places and found a really really scary looking diner to eat. Full on 1950’s (made that year up) All American style. We both had a greasy omelette with a side of chips this was accompanied with live singing, which was quite the novelty for 9am. We were also just getting used to the waiters and waitress’ sucking up to us and attending to us every 3 seconds just so they can get their tip that we had no choice but to do anyway…

We left and walked passed a TV set on Broadway filming ‘Good Morning America’ in the middle of the street with quite a few people around doing the usual Wooing and Yehing that the Americans do best. They seemed to have some sort of America theme going (not unusual I suppose), but also a few service men, annddd theeennnn the penny dropped ‘Happy Memorial Day’ they all sang out… This explained the absence of humans, and also proved that little theory wrong… So New York City does sleep.

The next 3 hours was really boring as Hope had to finish off a Uni assignment. When that was done we got moving again, this time further downtown to Soho. Here we felt more at home, less Starbucks-more independent cafes and shops with beautiful, original décor. We loved Dean and Deluca on Broadway, a stunning array of colours and textures and yummy things and had a lovely lunch on Lafayette Ave.



We're going to open one of these!
Dean and Deluca


New rings!

After the break Kaz had a keen eye on a beautiful building off in the distance so we set out to find it. We used our eyes and noses mostly and as we got closer this building seemed to become more and more beautiful. We finally arrived, right down in the Financial District, ‘The Woolworth’ was it’s name. It was about 70 floors high with perfectly carved figures of little creatures in every conceivable place all the way up to the highest point. Unfortunately we weren’t allowed in, but we took lots of photos!

Up close was better.

After this we went back for a nap around 6. This was a little unsuccessful as we konked out and woke up hungry at 11.30pm. We went back down to Time Square and had a gork in its flashing glory with the rest of the camera clad tourists and resorted to some sloppy Maccas since nothing else was open!

Sleepy heads.

Working hard...

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